: 16 JULY, 2021, 9:02 PM
President of Bangladesh Football Federation Kazi Md. Salahuddin, General Secretary Md. Abu Nayeem Shohag and other officials visited BFF Football Academy under Bangladesh Football Federation on Friday 16 July 2021.
Emerging footballers between 14 and 18 years will receive training at the BFF Football Academy. There will be local and foreign trainers in the training. It will be overseen by Technical Director Paul Thomas Smalley.
Speaking to reporters during a visit to the BFF football academy, BFF honorary president Kazi Mohammad Salahuddin said, “The academy was supposed to be inaugurated this July. But the work has been delayed due to the current pandemic. Hopefully it will be possible to complete the work by August. We will continue to work for its development to the best of our ability.’